Savoy Signature

Gift Voucher | Savoy Signature

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Offer special surprises and dream vouchers for incredible stays, delicious gastronomic experiences, or unforgettable moments at the spa. 

Voucher options available:
50€ | 100€ | 150€ | 200€ | 500€

Terms & conditions

Voucher activation is subject to advance booking of services and hotel availability for the requested dates.

Gift vouchers are non-refundable & non-exchangeable or non-redeemable for cash.

After purchasing this package, a voucher will be issued as proof of purchase. It can be collected at the Savoy Palace Hotel or sent to the address provided by you.

Booking procedure
Reservations must be completed at least 2 days in advance by emailing or calling +351 291 213 000 indicating the voucher’s number.

When using the service, the presentation of the voucher is mandatory.

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Gift Voucher | Savoy Signature